In 2014, Celotex launched the PIR rigid board insulation product RS5000 for use in rainscreen cladding systems for buildings above 18m. In advance of the product being launched, the company commissioned full system fire performance tests for a rainscreen cladding system which were carried out pursuant to BS 8414:2.
RS5000 was used as external insulation as part of the rainscreen cladding system in the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower. We took the decision to suspend supply shortly after the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower and this suspension remains in place.
The company has been conducting a detailed review of the way RS5000 was tested and marketed. The current management team has only recently determined that there were differences between the system as tested for BS 8414:2 and the description of that system in the report of the test. These differences were carried through into our marketing of RS5000.
Our priority is to establish whether there are any safety issues arising from these differences. We have notified the relevant bodies and are taking steps to speak with our customers. We understand that in August 2017, a sample of the same product was used in a full rainscreen cladding system that passed the DCLG1 test2. Nevertheless, we are arranging further testing which will assist in clarifying the issue.
It is a matter of real regret for us that this issue has arisen: we fully recognise its potential seriousness and that it will give rise to concern. We are working hard to arrange the further testing as quickly as possible and we will make a further announcement once the results of that testing are available.
1 Now known as the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government.
2 BS 8414-1